How to connect a USB flash drive to your tablet using the USB cable

Okay, let's start from basic notions - why would someone want to connect a thumb drive to a Nokia tablet? USB flash drives, which are sometimes referred to as thumb drives are basically flash memory cards with a USB connector. They could be easily carried around and can store up to 64GB of information. Most of my friends use these to make backups of important files or to carry needed files with them. The N800 and N810 both come with built-in memory card slots, but both these data storage devices work identically but flash drives are capable of storing larger amounts of information. The only difference is in the the plug, the USB plug in this case. Well, when I started writing this blog posts, I didn't know that a similar article already existed, so please refer to this article to find out how to connect a USB drive to a tablet by using a USB cable: Thanks...